What he thinks What she thinks A novel by Wayne Barron
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A little word for those that want to become an author
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A little word for those that want to become an author
Article Entry Date: February 20,2019
This is just my experience, others have their ways of doing things, so this is mine.

#1: Pull from what you know.
Life has a way of giving us all the information we need to develop all sorts of ways to express ourselves in story form.
From our first love, the first kiss, that particular moment we first saw the one we wanted to spend our lives with, to the birth of our child, or our first granddaughter, to getting married.
Express yourself in the words you write and captivate your reader by adding in the little details you had from your life, and you will open their minds to the memories of their own lives.

Remember, the mind never forge

#1a: What inspires me to write.

In my first book, I wrote a lot about my life with three women and my love for them. So, in this book, I pulled some parts from my experience with one of them.
I took the experience of seeing my then-girlfriend in pain during a doctor visit and used that for my character. I never wanted to see her go through that kind of pain ever again. Though the character in the book had gone through similar pain, it was from something more horrible than my then girlfriend's medical issue. However, pain is pain, no matter where it comes from.
So, pull from what you know.

#2: Fiction with some truth behind it.
You can write stories about anything your mind thinks of. And if you can add some truth to the story, you can make it a part of YOU.
MY first book and this one, plus the future book (The Paul and Lydia Story), are fictional stories. But with a little truth thrown in to give the stories a part of me in them.

I write love stories. I can also write horror, adult, poetry, and pretty much whatever my mind can think of at that moment.
I pull from the memories of those in my life to help bring the character to life.

The experiences we shared helped shape who I am and have become today.
So, write from experience; it helps add a deeper meaning to your writing when there is something real the reader can latch onto. And if it is about love, it gives your readers hope that they, too, can experience what you have shared in your words.

#3: What about Paul and Lydia.
The story that got me started on this path of writing books and sharing my life with all of you as a fictional character in all that I write. I will write more about these characters soon, but I will say this about that story.
The love and struggles to be together have never been more powerful than what these characters had to go through to express their love for one another.
More will come later.

So, What inspires you to write?

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